Time’s square

Times Square

Right after leaving “The Rock”, where I took some Sunset shots of the Big Apple, I went ahead to the famous Times Square. I remember, in University we saw a documentary about Adorno and Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment and about their exile in the United States. They were also talking about their cultural shock, when


Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge

Right after arriving in New York City, I decided to have a walk around the borough. Some nightshots of Brooklyn- and Manhattan Bridge were on my bucketlist, and luckily I was well located to visit them afoot. So I made my way there and what can I say… in one moment those huge bridges appeared,

Streets of Philadelphia


My first impressions about the USA were like, … I maybe had the wrong stereotypes about them in my mind. In Philadelphia I met a lot of hospitable helpful people, saw a lot of cultural diversity and amazing places. Even though it’s a capital city, I did not experience it like there would a big